- Welcome to -
Our mission is to provide a space for everyone to have access to inclusive fitness and social activities that improve their physical and mental wellbeing.
OXSRAD's impact
1 in 5 people in England have a long-standing limiting disability or illness.
Data shows disabled people are almost twice as likely to be physically inactive (43%).
At OXSRAD, we are addressing these inequalities, our recent survey showed that:

Agreed OXSRAD had improved their physical wellbeing.

Agreed OXSRAD had increased their sense of belonging.

Agreed OXSRAD had improved their mental wellbeing.

“A truly
welcoming place,
it has helped me feel that a disability isn’t anything to be ashamed of. ”
" I don't feel intimidated or judged
like in other gyms."
“The inclusive community is the best bit, gyms can be intimidating spaces,
especially for women, but Oxsrad is very different."

Stay in touch!
Sign up to read the latest OXSRAD news, events, projects and stories of impact.